The policy document was produced at the behest of John Major and other world leaders. 这份政策文件是在约翰·梅杰和其他国家领导人的授意下拟定的。
John Major didn't go to university. In fact he left school at 16. 约翰·梅杰没有上过大学,说白了,他16岁便辍学了。
John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners 约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。
John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords. 约翰·梅杰不会在上议院安插亲信。
John Major has reached the pinnacle of British politics 约翰·梅杰已攀上了英国政界的顶峰。
John major, former Conservative prime minister 英国前保守党首相约翰梅杰
On Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry described the U.S. military effort as very significant and a major counter-terrorism operation, but said, war is the wrong terminology. 上周四,美国国务卿约翰克里称美国部队所做出的努力很有意义,是一场重大的反恐行动,但提到用战争这个词并不合适。
JOHN REGANOLD: One of the major problems ( is that the) soils are fairly poor in most of the regions. 约翰瑞噶罗德:主要问题之一在于大多数地域的土壤非常的贫瘠。
The presence of Sir John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown with Mr Cameron reflects the deep respect in which Mr Mandela is held within British politics. 约翰梅杰爵士、托尼布莱尔、戈登布朗与首相卡梅伦的出席也反映出英国政坛对曼德拉非常深厚的敬意。
PUBLIC SAFETY: John Senders for his experiments in which a driver on a major highway repeatedly has a visor flapped down over his face. 公共安全奖:授予JohnSenders,以奖励他进行的一项实验。在实验中,一名驾车人的面前有一个鸭舌帽不断掉下来骚扰他的视线,干扰他的驾驶。
John Major was elected her successor and Margaret Thatcher returned to the back benches, finally standing down as an MP in 1992 when the Conservatives, against all predictions, were again returned to power. 约翰•梅杰被选为撒切尔夫人的继任者,撒切尔夫人则回到议会任职,并最终在1992年放弃议员席位。那一年,出乎所有人的预料,保守党再次上台执政。
Conservative strategists hope that voters will make a final switch to the security offered by a continuation of a Tory government, similar to the trend that put John Major back into power in 1992. 保守党策略师希望,选民最后会投奔由保守党政府连任所提供的安全,类似于1992年助推约翰•梅杰(JohnMajor)保住首相职位的趋势。
Committee Chairman Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts said the United States has met its major goal of significantly disrupting al-Qaida and reducing its presence in the country. 参议院对外关系委员会主席、来自马萨诸塞州的联邦参议员约翰∙克里(JohnKerry)说,美国已实现了在极大程度上瓦解“基地”组织和减少其在阿富汗的存在这一主要目标。
It is never easy to govern the country with a larger-than-life predecessor sitting behind you, as John Major found in the 1990s after succeeding Margaret Thatcher. 当你身后坐着一个富有传奇色彩的前任时,统治国家从来都不是件易事&正如约翰•梅杰(JohnMajor)在90年代接替撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)之后所发现的那样。
Contrast the 1990s experience of John Major. 用约翰梅杰(JohnMajor)在上世纪90年代的经历做一下对比。
At the time, then-Prime Minister John Major called the executions "judicial murder". 当时,英国前首相梅杰称这一判定为“合法但不公正的死刑判决”。
The imperiled John Major cannot take comfort in the timing of The Path to Power. 《通往权力的路》在这个时候出版,身陷困境的约翰·梅杰是不会感到舒服的。
John is a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation, and a Benefactor and Charter Member of the Bequest Society. 约翰与他的妻子宝拉一起接待了几个团体研究交换成员,他们并担任两位扶轮基金大使奖学生的顾问。
And this in a society which John Major claims he wants to make "classless"! 这一情况将发生在约翰·梅杰声称他要创造的无阶级社会之中!
John Major ( the former UK Prime Minister) may have said that we are now living in a "classless society" but the class system still prevails. 约翰·梅杰(英国前首相)可能曾说过我们现在生活在一个“无阶级的社会”里,但是阶级体制依旧流行。
In December of that year, Prime Minister John Major announced a separation. 九二年十二月,梅杰首相宣布了他们分居的消息。
Time period of John Locke, a major leader of the British empiricist tradition, and one of the most influential philosophers of post-renaissance Europe. 约翰·洛克时期,不列颠经验主义传统的主要领导者,是欧洲文艺复兴后最有影响力的哲学家之一。
John is on the road for one of the major dress manufacturers. 约翰正在为一家大服装厂推销产品。
And it may be worth remembering that while John Major didn't himself go to oxbridge, most of his ministers did. 也许应该知道,尽管约翰梅捷本人没有上牛津或剑桥大学,而他的大部分大臣们都是这两所大学的毕业生。
The next day, in my first meeting with John Major, he too supported the airdrops. 第二天,我与约翰。梅杰第一次会面。他也支持空投计划。
When the Tories under John Major had to do this, in1993, the government shared the pain equally between spending cuts and tax rises. 1993年,约翰梅杰领导的托利党就不得不采取这个措施,削减开支和增加税收双管齐下。
The model is the opt-out from the social chapter that John Major secured in the Maastricht treaty. 这样有约翰?梅杰应对《马斯特里赫特条约》中社会政策的成功先例。
Mr Cameron's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the "beef war" of1996, another unhappy Tory European memory. 卡梅伦的队伍并非提议重拾1996年约翰•梅杰采用的“不作为”政策(non-cooppolicy),是时英国与欧盟进行“牛肉战”,这也是保守党在对欧盟问题上一个惨痛的回忆。
New British Prime Minister John Major 英国新任首相约翰·梅杰
They have also proved Fritz John conditions and Kuhn-Tucker conditions of major constraint optimality solutions on the bases of the representation of major constraint set structure for the question. 在给出问题的较多约束集结构表示的基础上,证明了这类问题的较多约束最优解要满足的FRITZJOHN条件和Kuhn-Tucker条件。